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Published 1st April 2003, 12:0am

The public is reminded not to call 911 as an April Fools' joke, says Manager for Emergency Communications 911 Juliette Gooding. "Already today, we've received several calls for help or informing us that an incident is in progress and that someone needs help, when in fact these are prank calls. Not only are children making these calls, but adults who you think would know better, are also calling!" exclaims Ms Gooding. She adds that when telecommunicators have to deal with prank calls, it takes time away from real emergency calls where people actually need emergency assistance. Ms Gooding explained that there is a penalty for those who misuse the service; however, she strongly encourages the public to call 9-1-1 if they really are witnesses to, or believe they are experiencing, an emergency that requires medical, fire or police assistance. "People need to respect this service. Our unit continues to run a campaign to educate both adults and children on the proper use of 911," she concludes. For more information on this service call 914-3065.